Welome to the PATTERN PARADE!

Sweet Cinnamon Roses - step-by-step sewing patterns for beginners

Your days are full of keeping up with work, homeschooling your little ones, busy to-do lists, whilst maintaining some resemblance of normality and by the end of the day your sewjo has completely left. I see you and I get it. Because I've been there... But I am not anymore. What if I told that you can totally do it, and in fact - we can do it together.

Every day we claim back half an hour to ourselves and use it to be creative, instead of freezing in front of our machines - not knowing what to do or where to start. And that is what the pattern parade is all about - be inspired by small, manageable projects just for you, let me carefully talk you through each project by sharing my fave tips + tricks with you, must-have materials and lots of inspiration giving you the knowledge to create with confidence. Finally, I would like to invite you to join our creative community of makers.

Because you are not alone! I am here to help you among a team of other strong, supportive creatives that are going through exactly the same as you. Let's be there for each other. One project at a time.

Sweet Cinnamon Roses - step-by-step sewing patterns for beginners 

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

And this is the plan... 

I know, I know - picking the project and right fabric is what keeps us back so often. Procrastinating like fooooorevvvver... Overthinking it all. Right? But I truly believe that done is better than perfect! I am sure you have just the right fabric at home - after all, we love hoarding all those precious prints (and don't need anymore fabric for the foreseeable future, however tempting that new line you were flirting with might seem). Why not start using what we already have? Like today!!! See... every time I speak to my bestie - who is also madly into sewing - we joke to only ever use the best fabric we own. Only the best (we can afford) and most favourite things AT ALL TIMES. Never delay! Who knows - will you still love this one, fave print in two years time? So why not use it today while you absolutely adore it?! Never delay and always use what you loooove! Makes totally sense, right?

And these are the projects we will be making - eight patterns over eight weeks!

Sweet Cinnamon Roses - step-by-step sewing patterns for beginners

I promise I will only use my very best and most loved fabric by Heather Ross for you - one project each week starring March 1st!

Each project is made within one afternoon - or if you like to break it down into smaller chunks, half an hour every day will get you there in a week. Whatever suits your life best! And please, please, please don't worry if you have to skip a week or two - this is supposed to give you a manageable timeline to be creative during a very stressful time. But if you happen to miss one, please don't stress just join me the next week all fresh again. I know you can do it and together we will be able to achieve this! I KNOW YOU CAN!

And here a list with all projects in order:

Are you super organised and like to get your ducks in a row?? Then this is for you... You can either get each pattern individually today or take advantage of the Pattern Parade Bundle. For a limited time only (until the end of the parade) you will get all of the above patterns - in one document, neatly organised according to our timeline.

Sweet Cinnamon Roses, pattern parade bundle - limited time only

How to stay informed... 

Keeping on top of things and being well organised is probably the biggest struggle right now. Even getting the bins out in time feels hard these days as one day just seemingly blends into the next one - you know what I am talking about, right? And I don't want to make things any more complicated for you than necessary. So let me talk you through... Are you ready?

My website - so here where you are right now - is my home. Sweet Cinnamon Roses HQ if you like. Here it is where you will aways get all the necessary information first. 

Once a week, every Monday, I will publish a blogpost with all you need to know. In it you will find loads of inspiration for each week's project, all the features of the pattern and, of course, lots and lots tips + tricks. I start with a selection of my fave materials and references for them all - so you have the chance to sew along with me step-by-step. I will also share little shortcuts or extra tutorials - like how to add "faux" piping to your fave pattern, the WeeBrawBag. And if you're a visual learner - like me - I will also include a video tutorial. Sewing the project from start to finish, so you can easily join in. I really want to make it as easy as possible for you.

To keep up with my blog - you might want to join my Newsletter (to sign up - head to my main page, scroll down to the bottom and enter your email address, easy). A reminder and quick update of each week's project straight into your inbox! 

On a daily basis, I will keep you updated on Instagram and Facebook. But considering the nature of social media platforms, it's more like snippets instead of a comprehensive guide. So there you will find inspiration, fun little videos, fellow makers' work, fun challenges, all the important links and, of course, daily updates. Make sure to follow along so you don't miss anything!

SweetCinnamonRoses, step-by-step sewing patterns

Be part of this fantastic community...

Community. Probably the one thing I love the most about sewing. This industry is so unique - not only super creative but also caring, kind and giving. And I am so proud to be a small part of it. It's no surprise that swaps and sewalongs are huge and people love joining, it's about being a part of this great circle of makers. An outsider - aka my husband - has no clue how and why we are doing these strange things... Laura, why do you have to grant fabric wishes to a lady you've literally never spoken to in Australia? 'It's just a thing for Christmas', I usually answer - but he just doesn't get it. But you do!!!! You know this very unique group and love to hang out together - wherever that might be in your corner of the Internet.

So obviously, I wanted the community aspect to also be the main aspect of pattern parade! But how... Let me explain: all your information will be available here on the blog - Sweet Cinnamon Roses HQ. Every single week. And the blog is great for pictures, links, videos and information from my side but unfortunately it's just not the right forum to interact with you. And I really, really want to hear from you. I would love to see your work and hear your questions. I would love your input for the direction of pattern parade! 

The place I like best to hang out with you is Facebook. More specifically, our Facebook group. A group for you and me and all the amazing creators out there who like to join and share their makes using SCR patterns. The group will be there even after the eight weeks of pattern parade - so if you ever have a question or need a reference, it's the place to go! 

The Facebook Group is such a great opportunity - you will find projects organised in so-called "units", easily available and not burried somewhere in the FB algorithm. You can literally work yourself through each topic and complete "units" almost like lessons. It's amazing! Another fun aspect will be regular challenges, taking place once a week. You will have a say on your choice of challenge and of course, you will be able to vote for each week's winner! Hahaha, can you vote for me! Pretty please... You might be able to tell. I am a huge fan of FB groups and hope you will join me. Hang out with me there in real time! What do you think? 

And finally. As a special THANK YOU - all Facebook group members will be eligible for an exclusive discount code on all my patterns over the course of the parade. So, join the group, hang out with some amazing folks and even get yourself a nice little treat! Win win win...

And now...

There ya have it! The pattern parade: be inspired, learn new skills and create with me. Join me on this incredible journey starting March 1st. I promise - you will be inspired by plenty of exciting projects, bursting with confidence to tackle everything your creative heart desires and on top I would like to invite you to join an incredible group of likeminded makers! Let's get started, eh?! 

Make sure to subscribe to your preferred medium. If it is my website, make sure to bookmark it and check back every Monday. Sign up to my Newsletter (to sign up - head to my front page, scroll down to the bottom and enter your email address). Follow me on Instagram and Facebook!

But most important - join the FB group today and be a part of this amazing community. One that never fails to impress me. 

Sweet Cinnamon Roses - step-by-step sewing patterns for beginners

Last but not least I would like to take the chance to thank Janome UK. The incredible sponsor of this event. I will be sewing all projects on my Janome 6700p - an amazing machine I couldn't live without!

Take care and Happy Sewing

Love, Laura x


This blog post contains affiliate links, specifically I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. I will never post a link to a product I do not personally recommend. If you click on an affiliate link and then proceed to purchase something from that affiliated website, I receive a small commission. This helps me continue to provide high quality, free content. Please send me an email to laura@sweetcinnamonroses.com if you have any questions.


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Learn to sew with me!

Easy sewing patterns for beginners and all levels. I carefully walk you through every step - like I am sitting right next to you, my friend.

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